
Students who are found responsible for a policy violation are sanctioned through the student conduct process. These are possible outcomes for violations.

University Disciplinary Warning

A warning is given to inform the student that a specific behavior does not meet minimum expectations for residence community living. It is generally imposed following isolated and less serious incidents of misconduct or contract violations. University Disciplinary Warning is not imposed for a specific length of time, but further misconduct may lead to probation, relocation, or contract termination.

University Disciplinary Probation

Probation involves written notice of behavior that is unacceptable in the University community. Probation is imposed for a specific time period.

Housing Relocation

Housing Relocation involves a mandatory change of room assignment within the University's housing communities for inappropriate behavior in the University community.

Temporary Pre-Hearing Suspension

Temporary Pre-Hearing Suspension is not a sanction. If the health, safety, or appropriate functioning of a member of the residence community is in serious question, immediate Temporary Pre-Hearing Suspension can be initiated prior to a conduct meeting.

The initial conduct meeting should be held within 10 days, however, a decision is not required within this 10-day period. A prorated refund of room and meal plan charges made be made under this period of suspension.

Matters involving allegations of discrimation/harassment based on a person's protected class under the 1B.1 Policy, or sexual assault, dating/relationship violence, stalking, non-forcible sex offenses, and aiding acts of sexual violence under the 1B.3 Policy, will be referred to the Office of Equal Opportunity and Title IX for investigation and resolution. The 1B.1 and/or 1B.3  procedures will apply to those matters; therefore, the 10-day period for conducting the initial meeting may not apply. More information regarding this policy, procedure, and process can be found at

Housing Contract Termination

This sanction involves removal from the University residence community for conduct that is a serious violation of residence community rules or regulations. Termination may also result from less serious, but repeated, incidents of misconduct. Serious violations are generally considered those behaviors that are dangerous, highly disruptive and/or belligerent. Such separation may be permanent or for a specific number of semesters.

In Housing Contract Termination, the student will be given 24 hours to vacate the residence community. Housing contracts are for the entire academic year. As a result, the student will be held accountable for 50 percent of the remaining room portion of the bill for the entire academic year. Students may mitigate their damages (see Mitigation of Damages policy).

Minnesota State Mankato reserves the right to terminate any student’s housing contract, without refund of any monies, for failure to comply with the terms of the Housing Contract, residence community regulations, or if the student’s actions are found to be detrimental to the mental or physical welfare of other students.

Educational Sanctions

Students who are held responsible for violating the alcohol and other drug policy may be sanctioned to participate in a variety of programs such as D2L Alcohol and Drug Education, Under the Influence, Marijuana 101, CHOICES, or a chemical use interview.


Restitution is not a fine. It is monetary or work reimbursement for actual damage to, destruction of, or misappropriation of University property, or property of any person while on University premises or University-related premises. Restitution may involve paying for damages or community or educational service.