On the Day of the Test

On the day of your scheduled alternative testing appointment, here's what to do.

  1. Arrive at Accessibility Resources in Memorial Library 132 by your scheduled start time. You may be able to start up to 15 minutes early.
  2. Show your MavCard or a picture ID to the staff or graduate assistant proctoring the test.
  3. Place all belongings not used for the test in one of the cubbies next to the waiting area.
    • Turn off your phone and remove watches, hats, and coats/jackets as well.
    • Tell the proctor if there is something on your accommodation plan that includes one of these items.
  4. Sign in at the desk to the right once you've entered. This sheet is your agreement to abide by all testing rules, policies, and instructions.
  5. Once the test is prepared, the staff or graduate assistant proctor will brief you on instructions and then guide you to your seat to start the test.

Things to Keep in Mind

  • Please be on time.
    • If you are running late, email ar@mnsu.edu or call 507-389-2825 as soon as you can.
    • If you are 30 or more minutes past your scheduled start time, your request will be marked as a no-show, your instructor will be notified, and we will defer to them on how to proceed.
    • We encourage instructors to treat it as if you didn't show up to the exam in class. If they allow a makeup test, you will need to schedule it on MavAccess again.
  • The testing spaces are all monitored and recorded via CCTV.
  • If there is suspected dishonesty, misconduct, or cheating, we will stop your exam and contact the instructor.
    • This includes things like talking to other students, bringing in unauthorized materials, having your phone with you, or otherwise not following academic honesty policy.

More Information

General Alternative Testing Information

Alternative Testing Infographic (PDF)

Alternative Testing Scheduling Guidelines (PDF)

Student Alternative Testing Agreement