Opening Alternate Formats

You may receive digital copies of books in different formats. This depends on what the publisher has provided for us. Here's how to open the texts depending on the file type.

PDF - Read&Write

PDFs open well in Read&Write, our campus's partnered text-to-speech. To open a PDF with Read&Write, you have two options.

  1. Open it in the desktop app. When you have Read&Write open, and the bar is on your screen, click the button labeled PDF. Then, you can click to start the reader.
  2. Read&Write for Chrome. If you have the Read&Write for Chrome version, you can open the PDF in Chrome.

EPUB - Read&Write

ePUBs are easily opened in Texthelp's reader and turned to speech by the Chrome version of Read&Write.

  • Have the Read&Write for Chrome extension installed.
  • Open the ePub file from your desktop or Google Drive on Texthelp's ePub Reader.
    • If you prefer Google Drive, click Install to Google Drive and follow the instructions.
    • If you prefer the browser version, you can upload the file using the "Choose File" button on the top left of the screen.
  • Then, highlight the first word and click play to have it start reading.