Office Directory

Minnesota State University, Mankato - President

Sheri Sargent

Minnesota State University, Mankato - President | Chief of Staff/Vice President for Admin. Services

Address: 309 Wigley Administration Center
Office: WA 309
Phone: 507-389-1112

Travis Thul

Minnesota State University, Mankato - President |

Address: 306 Wigley Administration Center
Office: WA 306
Phone: 507-389-2419

MN Ctr for Engineering Mfgr Excellence

Loralea Baldwin

MN Ctr for Engineering Mfgr Excellence | Administrative Assistant

Address: 131 Trafton Science Center North
Office: TN 131
Phone: 507-389-1201

Melissa Huppert

MN Ctr for Engineering Mfgr Excellence | STEM Outreach Director|Adjunct

Address: 131 Trafton Science Center North
Office: TN 131
Phone: 507-389-2110

MSU Reporter

Dana Clark

MSU Reporter | Graphics Manager

Address: 293 Centennial Student Union
Office: SU 293
Phone: 507-389-2793

Jane Tastad

MSU Reporter | Business Mgr

Address: 293 Centennial Student Union
Office: SU 293
Phone: 507-389-1926

Multicultural Center

Cortez Hollis

Multicultural Center |


Pakou Lee

Multicultural Center | Director, Asian & Multicultural Affairs

Address: 269 Centennial Student Union
Office: SU 269
Phone: 507-389-1032

Geanella Ochoa

Multicultural Center | Interim Director of Latinx & Multicultural Affairs

Address: 269 Centennial Student Union
Office: SU 269
Phone: 507-389-1719

New Student and Family Programs

Lora Brady

New Student and Family Programs | Receptionist

Address: 122 Taylor Center
Office: TC 122
Phone: 507-389-6799

Riley Devenport

New Student and Family Programs | Assistant Dir for Communications & Testing Center|State Univ Adjuct Non-Unit

Address: 103 Margaret Preska
Office: PS 103
Phone: 507-389-5498

Brandon Nelson

New Student and Family Programs | Customer Service Specialist

Address: 122 Taylor Center
Office: TC 122
Phone: 507-389-1822

Sarah Plath

New Student and Family Programs | Office Coordinator

Address: 103 Margaret Preska
Office: PS 103
Phone: 507-389-5498

Jeremy Riesenberg

New Student and Family Programs | Interim Director of New Student & Family Programs

Address: 103 Margaret Preska
Office: PS 103
Phone: 507-389-5498

Nursing Advising Center

Susan Mucha

Nursing Advising Center |

Address: 360 Wissink Hall
Office: WH 316
Phone: 507-389-1317

Office of Student Success

Jill Fischer

Office of Student Success | Assistant Director of Student Success Services

Address: 325 Wigley Administration Center
Office: WA 325
Phone: 507-389-1548

Amy Staloch

Office of Student Success | Director of Student Success

Address: 325 Wigley Administration Center
Office: WA 325
Phone: 507-389-1346

Office of Vice Provost

William Coghill-Behrends

Office of Vice Provost | Dean of Global Education

Address: 315 Wigley Administration Center
Office: WA 315
Phone: 507-389-2900

Christopher Corley

Office of Vice Provost | Dean of Library and Learning

Address: 3097 Memorial Library
Office: ML 3097
Phone: 507-389-5955

Pieter deHart

Office of Vice Provost | Associate Provost for Research and Dean of Graduate Studies

Address: 315 Wigley Administration Center
Office: WA 315
Phone: 507-389-1925

Shauna Elbers

Office of Vice Provost | Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs & Learning Innovation


Debra Norman

Office of Vice Provost | Budget Officer

Address: 315 Wigley Administration Center
Office: WA 331
Phone: 507-389-2565

Operations and Industry Partnerships

Ashley Aho

Operations and Industry Partnerships | MinnPoly Facilitator

Address: 218 Wissink Hall
Office: WH 218

Colette Faidley

Operations and Industry Partnerships | Pathway Specialist

Address: 822 7700 France
Office: FR 822
Phone: 612-669-3365

Ebru Ilhan

Operations and Industry Partnerships | Pathway Specialist

Address: Trafton Science Building
Office: TR
Phone: 507-720-6522