Office Directory

Heather Camp

English | Faculty

Address: 230 Armstrong Hall
Office: AH 207F
Phone: 507-389-5512

Samantha Campa

College of Business | Talent Programs Specialist

Address: 151 Morris Hall
Office: MH 151
Phone: 507-389-5414

Kristie Campana

Psychology | Faculty

Address: 103 Armstrong Hall
Office: WC 332F
Phone: 507-389-5851

Dat Cao

Mathematics and Statistics | Assistant Professor

Address: 226 Wissink Hall
Office: WH 226
Phone: 507-389-6500

Laura Cardwell

Dental Education | Administrative Assistant

Address: 120 Clinical Sciences Building
Office: CSB 120
Phone: 507-389-1313

Ross Carlson

Building Maintenance | Dining Hall Machinery Repair Worker

Address: 118 Wiecking Center
Office: DC
Phone: 507-389-5694

Gabrielle Caron

Educational Leadership | Administrative Assistant

Address: AH117 Armstrong Hall
Office: FR
Phone: 507-389-8874

Matthew Caron

Performing Arts | Faculty

Address: 201 Jane Earley Center for Performing Arts
Office: PA 201
Phone: 507-389-2118

Luis Carrera

Utilities | Stationary Engineer

Address: 118 Wiecking Center
Office: WC 118
Phone: 507-389-1311

Amber Carson

Building Services | Administrative Assistant

Address: 330 Wiecking Center
Office: WC 330
Phone: 507-389-6804

Jason Case-Lentz

GMW Night Foreman 1 | General Maintenance Worker

Address: 330 Wiecking Center
Office: WC 330
Phone: 507-389-6804

Jason Casey

IT Solutions Center | Desktop Support Specialist

Address: 3010 Memorial Library
Office: CC 6
Phone: 507-389-1955

Jennifer Cashin

Inst Analytics and Planning | Institutional Effectiveness & Planning Analyst

Address: 325 Wigley Administration Center
Office: WA 325
Phone: 507-389-6624

Fabio Castel Garcia

ITS Communications | Visual Production Director

Address: 3010 Memorial Library
Office: ML 3010
Phone: 507-389-1551

Marie Casto

Registration and Academic Records | Scheduling and Records Coordinator

Address: 132 Wigley Administration Center
Office: WA 132
Phone: 507-389-5253

John Caven

Electrical Computer Engineering Technlgy | Tech Serv Supervisor

Address: 242 Trafton Science Center North
Office: TN 250
Phone: 507-389-5740

Andres Cazares Reyes

Library Systems | Library Systems ITS 1

Address: 3097 Memorial Library
Office: ML 3097
Phone: 507-389-5055

Shelly Chambers

Building Maintenance | GMW

Address: 330 Wiecking Center
Office: WC 330
Phone: 507-389-6804

Lin Chase

Inst Analytics and Planning | Faculty

Address: 273 Wissink Hall
Office: WH 273
Phone: 415-799-6721

Jennifer Chelstrom

Graduate Studies Associate Director | Associate Director of Graduate Studies

Address: 115 Alumni & Foundation Center
Office: AF 115
Phone: 507-389-1303

Yilin Chen

Finance | Chairperson

Address: 150 Morris Hall
Office: MH 238
Phone: 507-389-5336

Yuhao Chen

Finance | Assistant Professor

Address: 150 Morris Hall
Office: MH 150
Phone: 507-389-5336

Elisabeth Cherland

Performing Arts | Assistant Professor

Address: 202 Jane Earley Center for Performing Arts
Office: PA 202
Phone: 507-389-2118

H Sheen Chiou

Speech Hearing and Rehab Services | Chairperson

Address: 314 Clinical Sciences Building
Office: CSB 314
Phone: 507-389-5840

Kwang-Il Choe

Economics Ethnic Studies and Government | Faculty

Address: 112 Armstrong Hall
Office: MH 134
Phone: 507-389-5331