Office Directory

Jill Conlon

Family Consumer Science | Faculty

Address: B102 Wiecking Center
Office: WC B102
Phone: 507-389-5924

Matthew Connolly

Creative Arts | Faculty

Address: 230 Armstrong Hall
Office: AH 230
Phone: 507-389-2117

Perry Conrad

Residential Life Building Services | Building Maint. Sup. 1

Address: 111 Carkoski Commons
Office: CC 111
Phone: 507-389-6110

Courtney Conroy

Administrative Services | Assistant Director of Presidential Events and Operations

Address: 330 Wigley Administration Center
Office: WA 315
Phone: 507-389-1798

Mark Constantine

Centennial Student Union | Director, CSU & Student Activities

Address: 220 Centennial Student Union
Office: SU 220
Phone: 507-389-6761

Brandon Cooke

Philosophy Languages and Cultures | Chairperson

Address: 227 Armstrong Hall
Office: AH 224A
Phone: 507-389-5520

Angela Cooley

History and Gender Studies | Faculty

Address: 110 Armstrong Hall
Office: MH 221K
Phone: 507-389-1248

Amy Cooney

University Advancement AVP | Interim Associate Vice President of University Advancement

Address: AF227 Alumni & Foundation Center
Office: AF AF227
Phone: 507-389-2775

Brigette Cooper

Dental Education | Chairperson

Address: 120 Clinical Sciences Building
Office: CSB 122
Phone: 507-389-1016

Gerald Coopman

Building Maintenance | Machine Repair Worker

Address: 118 Wiecking Center
Office: WC A118
Phone: 507-389-2071

Paul Corcoran

Facilities Management | Asst Vice President for Facilities Management

Address: 111 Wiecking Center
Office: WC 111
Phone: 507-389-2267

Christine Cords

Biochemistry Chemistry and Geology | Office Manager

Address: 241 Ford Hall
Office: FH 241
Phone: 507-389-1963

Gretchen Cords

PALS | Administrative Assistant

Address: 3113 Memorial Library
Office: ML 3113
Phone: 507-389-2000

George Corey

TRIO Upward Bound | Director Upward Bound

Address: 324 Wiecking Center
Office: WC 325
Phone: 507-389-1212

Christopher Corley

Library and Learning | Dean of Library and Learning

Address: 3097 Memorial Library
Office: ML 3097
Phone: 507-389-5955

Rhonda Cornell

School of Nursing | Faculty

Address: 7700 7700 France
Office: FR 7700
Phone: 507-389-8884

Bradley Coulter

Creative Arts | Faculty

Address: 136 Nelson Hall
Office: NH 112
Phone: 507-389-5212

Diane Coursol

Counseling and Student Personnel | Faculty

Address: 107 Armstrong Hall
Office: AH 107A
Phone: 507-389-5656

David Cowan

Facilities Services | Director of Facilities Services

Address: 358 Wiecking Center
Office: WC 358
Phone: 507-389-6931

Arliah Cox

Allied Health and Nursing Advising Ctr | Academic Advisor

Address: 360 Wissink Hall
Office: WH 360
Phone: 507-389-6315

Richard Crispo

University Marketing and Communications | Director of Visual Content Strategies

Address: 232 Alumni & Foundation Center
Office: AF 232
Phone: 507-389-1003

Daniel Cronn-Mills

Communication and Media | Faculty

Address: 230 Armstrong Hall
Office: AH 230
Phone: 507-389-6160

BalenciaSariah Crosby

Diversity Equity and Inclusion | Director African American & Multicultural Affairs

Address: 269 Centennial Student Union
Office: SU 269
Phone: 507-389-6207

Jen Cucurullo

Univ Marketing and Communications AVP | Director of Web Marketing

Address: 217 Alumni & Foundation Center
Office: AF 217
Phone: 507-389-5424

Carrie Curie

PALS | Support and Training Specialist

Address: 3113 Memorial Library
Office: ML 3113
Phone: 507-389-1976