Start-Up Southwest Goals & Objectives


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Supporting new and existing entrepreneurs and innovators.

Launch Minnesota is a statewide collaborative effort to accelerate the growth of start-ups and amplify Minnesota as a national leader in innovation. Start-Up Southwest provides educational programming to innovative technology businesses in early stages, and outreach and collaboration with businesses, federal and state agencies, institutions of higher education, trade associations, and others.


Key Activities
  •  Recruit new and existing scalable, high-tech entrepreneurs into the Start-Up Southwest pipeline.
  • Sponsor scalable, high-tech entrepreneurs for lean startup training.
  • Add resources to the Start-Up Southwest mentoring and consulting services.
  • Conduct analysis of angel investment ecosystem in Southwest Minnesota.
  • Grow the high-tech division of the Big Ideas Challenge.
  • Establish a reverse pitch competition in Southwest Minnesota.
  • Expand 1 Million Cups efforts throughout the Start-Up Southwest network.
  • Increase utilization of co-working space by high-tech entrepreneurs.

launch mn network


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