Amy Joseph, Graduate Assistant

Address: 356 Wiecking Center
Phone: 507-389-5175

About Amy:

As a Graduate Assistant, I help create and organize many of the ETS events and activities. I also work with some students as a student success coach.

Best tip I have for you as you think about your future:
  • It’s worth putting thought into. This is going to be the first big decision that you have control over and the process starts early and shifts as you learn about who you are, what your strengths are, and where you want to be. You decide what classes you want to take, what you prioritize, and how you act both in and outside of school. Use the helpers around you to guide you in this process and take advantage of all the resources around you.
Your major in college:
  • Psychology & Education
My favorite class in college:
  • Social Psychology
Currently Studying:
  • School Counseling
Other careers/majors I had considered:
  • From childhood on: cosmetologist, veterinarian, lawyer, teacher.
What I loved about college:
  • Being exposed to new ideas, new music, new friends, new everything.
A job that I don’t feel I could do but intrigues me:
  • Surgeons, of all kinds. I have so much respect for the amount of dedication and skill, but I cannot even look at needles without cringing.
Torch end