
  • Paper
    • non-sensitive material - your office (white boxes) - need boxes: Contact Building Services, Office Manager Building Services @ 6804. Transfer white box paper to hallway LJP purple and yellow containers.
    • sensitive material - your office shred service bins. Most shred service companies recycle their material.
  • General paper, newspaper, magazines, and cardboard - hallway purple and yellow containers (LJP) or other recycling, newspaper bins. Note: no plastic wrap or bags, styrofoam, pyrex or dishes - call LJP about recycling those items @ 507.625.1968.
  • Cans, plastic and glass beverage bottles - hallway purple and yellow containers (LJP).
  • Ink and laser cartridges - drop off at any Copy Shop or cartridge recycling box.
  • Department computer harddrives and computers that have data storage capability, you must contact IT Services' Help Desk (389-6654) or use the Self-Service Request. IT Services will "scrub clean" such computer storage devices of all data. Computer related surplus items which have fixed asset tags are identified by IT Services and the information forwarded to University Stores so the item can be deleted from state inventory records.
  • Department surplus procedures for: Any state-owned property, including commodities, equipment, materials, supplies, books, printed matter, buildings, and other property that is obsolete, unused, not needed for a public purpose, or ineffective for current use.
