Office Directory

Office of Vice Provost

Debra Norman

Office of Vice Provost | Budget Officer

Address: 315 Wigley Administration Center
Office: WA 331
Phone: 507-389-2565

Operations and Industry Partnerships

Ashley Aho

Operations and Industry Partnerships | MinnPoly Facilitator

Address: 218 Wissink Hall
Office: WH 218

Colette Faidley

Operations and Industry Partnerships | Pathway Specialist

Address: 822 7700 France
Office: FR 822
Phone: 612-669-3365

Ebru Ilhan

Operations and Industry Partnerships | Pathway Specialist

Address: Trafton Science Building
Office: TR
Phone: 507-720-6522

Nitisha Meshram

Operations and Industry Partnerships | MinnPoly Administrative Assistant

Address: 0500 7700 France
Office: FR 0500
Phone: 612-669-3365

Jaswanth Vankayalapati

Operations and Industry Partnerships |

Address: Off-Campus
Office: OC


Rodney Bruce

PALS | Faculty

Address: 3113 Memorial Library
Office: ML 3113
Phone: 507-389-5455

Gretchen Cords

PALS | Administrative Assistant

Address: 3113 Memorial Library
Office: ML 3113
Phone: 507-389-2000

Carrie Curie

PALS | Support and Training Specialist

Address: 3113 Memorial Library
Office: ML 3113
Phone: 507-389-1976

Sonja Eilertson

PALS | Info Tech Spec 3

Address: 3113 Memorial Library
Office: ML 3113
Phone: 507-389-1973

Jill Holman

PALS | Support & Training Specialist

Address: 3113 Memorial Library
Office: ML 3113
Phone: 507-389-1088

Kathrine Johnson

PALS | Electronic Access Support Librarian

Address: 3113 Memorial Library
Office: ML 3113
Phone: 507-389-2316

Alexander Kent

PALS | Cataloging & Metadata Support & Training Spec

Address: 3113 Memorial Library
Office: ML 3113
Phone: 507-389-1813

Daniela Kroon

PALS | Support & Training Spec - Cataloging & Metadeata

Address: 3113 Memorial Library
Office: ML 3113
Phone: 507-389-5791

Aleks Lazar

PALS | Information System Developer & Integrator

Address: 3113 Memorial Library
Office: ML 3113
Phone: 507-389-2907

Perry Madden

PALS | Support & Training Specialist

Address: 3113 Memorial Library
Office: ML 3113
Phone: 507-389-6993

Simon Mai

PALS | Application Inf Sys Developer & Integrator

Address: 3113 Memorial Library
Office: ML 3113
Phone: 507-389-5060

Etta Thornburg

PALS | Support & Training Librarian

Address: 3113 Memorial Library
Office: ML 3113
Phone: 507-389-5946

Performing Arts

Gerard Aloisio

Performing Arts | Faculty

Address: 202 Jane Earley Center for Performing Arts
Office: PA 225
Phone: 507-389-1030

Jonathan Brandt

Performing Arts | State Univ Adjuct Non-Unit

Address: 202 Jane Earley Center for Performing Arts
Office: PA 202
Phone: 507-389-2118

Matthew Caron

Performing Arts | Faculty

Address: 201 Jane Earley Center for Performing Arts
Office: PA 201
Phone: 507-389-2118

Elisabeth Cherland

Performing Arts | Faculty

Address: 202 Jane Earley Center for Performing Arts
Office: PA 202
Phone: 507-389-2118

Sarah Costello

Performing Arts | State University Faculty

Address: 202 Jane Earley Center for Performing Arts
Office: PA 202

James DeVoll

Performing Arts | State Univ Adjuct Non-Unit

Address: 202 Jane Earley Center for Performing Arts
Office: PA 202
Phone: 507-389-2118

Allison Doughty

Performing Arts | Adjunct

Address: 201 Jane Earley Center for Performing Arts
Office: PA 201
Phone: 507-389-2118