"W" Grade Information

Grades of "W" are placed on courses to indicate that a course is in withdrawal status.

A student may have a "w" for a variety of reasons:

  • The course was dropped after the initial drop/add period deadline.
  • The student submitted an Official Withdrawal form to the Campus Hub.
  • At the time of grade entry, the instructor entered that the student never attended.

Impact of "W" Grades

“W” grades do appear on the transcript.

“W” grades do count as attempted credits, but not as earned credits. This can impact Satisfactory Academic Progress for both academics and financial aid.

"W" Grade Appeals

Any appeal of an “W” grade would be submitted through the Registration Appeal Process.

Instructor Information

Instructors do not assign a grade of “W”. Instructors indicate a student’s attendance. If “never attended” is selected, the grading program assigns the “W” per the Last Date of Attendance policy.

An instructor cannot use the grade change form to change a grade to a “W” or change a “W” grade to an earned grade. The student would need to complete a Registration Appeal to attempt to change the “W.”

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