
Will my abroad/away grades impact my Minnesota State Mankato GPA? 

After the end date of your program, a new requirement will appear in your online application account describing your options for transferring abroad/away grades back to Minnesota State Mankato 

  • Option #1 is to have your letter grades transfer back. With this option your grades will be calculated into your Minnesota State Mankato GPA. 

  • Option #2 is to transfer your grades back as pass/no passonly. This option will not impact your Minnesota State Mankato GPA and your abroad classes can still be used to meet major/minor/general education requirements. However, if you are intending to use your abroad classes to meet major or minor requirements, before you choose the pass/fail option, you need to check with your major and/or minor department(s) to verify that they will accept pass/fail grades. Each department makes its own decision on accepting or not accepting pass/fail grades for degree requirements, and some departments only accept letter grades for such requirements. 

You can only choose one option for all your classes. You cannot choose pass/fail for some classes and letter grades for other classes.