Writing for Scanners
We need to write content in a way that is quickly and easily digested by our website visitors.
Write Content That Is Easy to Scan
Website visitors have a short attention span and want to find answers to their specific questions very quickly without a lot of reading. Create information chunks instead of long or complex descriptions.
Questions to Consider When Crafting or Reviewing Content:
What keywords are the most relevant?
- What three to five words would site visitors use to search for this content?
- Am I using these keywords in headings?
Can I use fewer words to say the same thing?
- Have I eliminated all adjectives and adverbs?
- Am I using mostly simple sentences?
- Can I simplify my sentences?
Can I use simpler words?
- Am I using jargon or technical terms?
- Am I using clichés?
- Is there a simpler version of a word?
Am I being redundant?
Do my paragraphs consist of three sentences or less?
Are my sections short and clearly labeled with headings?
- Do my headings use a parallel structure?
- Do my sections consist of three paragraphs or less?
- Do my headings provide a strong context?
Am I using lists when possible?