Press Room

Minnesota State University, Mankato's administration respects journalists, their rights and their mission to provide the public with facts that encourage an informed, enlightened democracy.

Press Guidelines

Minnesota State Mankato is a public campus, part of the Minnesota State System. Our press guidelines are intended to provide journalists with freedom of access while minimizing disruption of University activities and respecting students' privacy rights.

Members of the news media who wish to cover events, capture photographic images on campus or arrange interviews should contact the Media Relations office.

General Conduct

  • Media representatives must take care to gather news with a minimum of disruption, being respectful of the desires of students, faculty, staff and visitors to see, hear and participate in campus events.
  • News media representatives must respect the right of students, faculty or staff members to decline to be interviewed or photographed.
  • Media representatives are encouraged to obtain permission to capture photographic or video images or audio of students, faculty or staff.
  • Media representatives are not permitted to enter classrooms without securing advance permission from the instructor and notifying the Media Relations office.
  • Media representatives are not permitted to enter residential living areas.

Attending Events

  • Media representatives are encouraged to attend and cover campus events that are open to the public.
  • When seating is expected to be at a premium, reporters may need to register for events.
  • For events requiring high security, reporters must register in advance with the Media Relations Office.
  • At events with designated press areas, reporters and photographers should remain in the designated area unless granted permission by Media Relations, or by event organizers in consultation with Media Relations.

Use of the Minnesota State Mankato Name

  • Stories and broadcasts should refer to the university as "Minnesota State University, Mankato"; "Minnesota State Mankato"; or "MSU." "Minnesota State" or "Minnesota State University," is not accurate, because the public refers to several Minnesota universities by those names.
  • Stories and broadcasts should not refer to Minnesota State Mankato as "the University of Minnesota at Mankato." Minnesota State Mankato is not part of the University of Minnesota system.
  • Organizations not affiliated with the University (commercial firms, vendors, contractors, marketing professionals, institutions, service providers) must adhere to Minnesota State Mankato graphic standards guidelines when using the University name or logotypes for commercial purposes. Vendors who create products that use the University name or logotypes must be licensed with and have designs approved CLC, which handles licensing for Minnesota State University, Mankato.

Contact Us

For more information, or to request access to campus, contact the Media Relations Office at 507-389-6838 or 507-389-2523.