Social Media Posting Guidelines

When posting to any form of social media, take these items into consideration. As a public face of the University we need to be professional and approachable with the goal of growing the community and letting members interact with each other.

Profile picture should be on brand

  • an approved logo or an appropriate photo, which can be one of your own from the Image Library that is engaging.
    • For an image using the University logo, contact Creative Production for creation of your image or icon.
    • The University logo can not be modified in any way, placed on a busy background, or used for unofficial social media accounts.

Assign a person or persons to the task so there is accountability

  • Make it part of their daily/weekly routine.
  • Post frequently. The definition of frequently is up to you, but remember to keep growing and to cultivate engagement, an active site is best.

What to post

  • Events – where are you going to be (Will you be at a college fair? Which schools are you visiting?)
  • Answers to questions that you get frequently. This may reduce phone calls with questions. (Are there volunteer opportunities? I want to learn more do I start? Who do I contact?)
  • Links. Start a conversation by linking to your webpage, another web page, or a news story.
  • Any item that may be of interest to your particular audience – news and events going on around campus, or students in the news, alums in the news, major donations, conferences that students or faculty are attending, etc.
  • Photos and videos. Visuals stand out more than words and drive engagement.
  • Fun stuff. Remember that your audiences are on social media for fun. Including the occasional fun fact, link, or random question can increase engagement.
  • Encourage your fans to post pictures, links, and content that may be of interest to your entire audience.

Check page often so that you can:

  • Answer questions promptly
  • Delete inappropriate or spam posts as quickly as possible

Keep the tone professional yet casual and inject fun

  • Keep the posts up-beat as this is a recruitment and retention tool. Occasionally bad news happens and it will need to be addressed appropriately.
  • Always remember your audience!