Writing Resources

Whether you need a quick question answered or can't make an appointment right now, we still want to help you! We've compiled a variety of resources to help you at various stages of your writing project. 

Academic Writing and Citations

Here you will find style templates and guides to help you in your academic writing and citations.

Academic Writing & Citations Resources

English as a second language

Resources for those that are learning english as a second language.

English as a second language resources

GrammAr & Punctuation

English grammar and punctuation styles, guides and usage help can improve your writing. Here are some resources to help get you started.

Grammar & Punctuation Resources

Modern Languages

Spanish, French, German and Norwegian language resources. Items such as online dictionaries, learning games and other online material to help you read, speak and understand the language.

Modern Languages Resources

Graduate writing workshops

Recordings of previously facilitated workshops geared towards graduate student writers are archived here in order to help our current and future students. 

Graduate Writing Workshops