Graduation Planner Limitations

As you work with Graduation Planner, please be advised this is a planning tool that does not replace academic advising and course registration. A few items to note:


What is a pre-requisite course?

  • A pre-requisite course must be completed before the next course. Most majors require (or strongly recommend) courses be taken in a specific order.
  • Graduation Planner does not replace academic advising and will not show you the order to take your classes.
  • Please refer to the academic catalog and e-services for information on prerequisites and course sequencing.
  • Always check in with your academic advisor before registering for classes.
Catalog Year and “What If Audits” 

What is a catalog year?

  • All students have declared a catalog year.
  • Typically, the catalog year matches your first semester of enrollment and determines specific graduation requirements.
  • You can change catalog years if advised to do so.

What is a "What If Audit?"

  • A “What If Audit” is a degree audit using completed and in progress courses in a different major/minor than what is declared.
  • This is a great way to explore other majors or minors.
  • It is recommended to plan using a “What If Audit” for the most recent fall semester as those requirements will be accurate.
  • Watch this video tutorial to learn more.
Planning using currently enrolled courses

Graduation Planner detects repeated courses. If you plan using courses you're currently taking (ex. currently enrolled in Fall 2022, then creating a plan using Fall 2022), it will detect a repeat. It is recommended to plan out future semesters and not include the courses you're enrolled in already. 

Alerts - Course Not Offered This Term

You may plan for courses but see symbols indicating the courses are not available.


If this happens, refer to the course details and review the offering frequency. 

As always, be sure to meet with your academic advisor to review your plan prior to your registration window opening.