2024 Homecoming Lip Sync

Annual tradition of dancing, music, and costumes.

Friday October 4th 7PM at Bresnan ArenaDancers performing in theatre

Lip Sync and coronation starts at 7:00 pm on Friday, Ocotber 4th in Bresnan Arena. All of the competition teams will be competing to win the annual lip sync battle. 

Following the show, the results of Royalty will be given! Come support your peers.



2021 Photo album

2019 Photo album

2018 Photo album
2015 Photo album
2013 Photo album

Sample Video

Competition Team Info

Each team will earn 150 points for participating in this event. Additional points will be given to the top three teams:

  • First Place 100 points
  • Second Place 75 points
  • Third Place 50 points

Judging Rubric

  • 20% Overall performance
  • 10% Originality
  • 15% Choreography
  • 20% Someone lip syncing at all times
  • 25% Correlation to the homecoming theme(includes costume and props, incorporate Marvel/DC element like music, easter eggs etc.)
  • 10% Knowledge of song lyrics


  • All routines must be performed on the space provided in Bresnan Arena. 

  • By Wednesday, October 2nd, 2024 by 11:59 p.m., you must submit a copy of your music to the competition chair through Email, CD, or Flash Drive.

  • Each routine must be between four (4) minutes and eight (8) minutes long. 

  • No obscene actions are permitted. 

  • No alcohol, drug, or sexual connotations are allowed. 

  • At all times, someone from your team must be lip syncing to the music or points will be deducted. 

  • All items must be removed from the performance area following the performance. Items left on the stage will result in a point reduction. 

  • All members must sign a waiver in order to participate. 

  • Teams will not be able to practice in the arena before the event.

  • Captains must come to the arena at 6:30pm for orientation.

  • Failure to follow these rules will lead to disqualification.