Behavioral Stress Management Instruction (BSMI)
Behavioral Stress Management Instruction (BSMI) is a psychoeducational and skills-based informational session with a trained instructor. If you are looking to develop healthy coping strategies to address mental health and academic challenges, you may be recommended for individual BSMI sessions during your Screening Appointment. Most students benefit from 1 - 4 BSMI sessions. Let your screening counselor know if you are interested in any of our current skills modules:
Assertive Communication
Improving Concentration
Conversational Skills
Deep Diaphragmatic Breathing
Increasing Motivation
Mental Rehearsal
Increasing Motivation
Overcoming Procrastination
Overcoming Test Anxiety
Overcoming Worry
Progressive Muscle Relaxation
Sleep Hygiene
Strategies for Successful Online Learning
Time Management
See our full brochure here.