Bomb Threats

If you receive or overhear a bomb threat, immediately call Police at 911 and/or University Security at (507) 389-2111. Complete the Bomb Threat Checklist as thoroughly as possible and provide it to responding emergency personnel.

Do not activate a fire alarm for a threat unless directed by emergency personnel.

Threats may be communicated in a number of ways such as a written note, telephone, or electronic communication. Additionally, the following measure should be taken:

  • WRITTEN THREATS – Anyone receiving a bomb threat in writing should handle the correspondence as little as possible.
  • EMAILED THREATS - Anyone receiving bomb threat via email should leave the message on the computer. The person receiving the email should remain at the computer and not allow anyone to interfere and/or tamper with the message until emergency personnel arrive.
  • OTHER THREATS – Anyone receiving a bomb threat in person and/or overhearing such a threat should obtain the following information if possible and practical: the name of the suspect, time and location of the threat, witnesses, exact wording of the threat and any other relevant information.

Procedure/Action to Take:

  • Call 911 for emergency response, and University Security (507-389-2111).
  • Remain calm.  Use the attached Bomb Threat Checklist below for emergency responders.
  • Do NOT touch suspicious objects if found.
  • Follow evacuation procedures
  • University investigation/procedure may include:
    • Police and building personnel are notified.
    • A search is made by police and/or building personnel.
    • Building security and system office management will determine if evacuation is necessary.
    • If evacuation is advised, employees will assist emergency personnel with the orderly evacuation of the building. Follow the posted Emergency Response Guide. 
    • The police will contact and question the person who received the bomb threat.


  • If circumstances require that evacuation efforts are necessary, University Security or emergency personnel will direct those affected to appropriate locations.
  • If an evacuation is taking place, turn off all cell phones and leave immidiate area (at least 300 feet).


  • Buildings may be re-entered only after clearance is given by University Security or emergency personnel.

Bomb Threat Checklist:

Dept of Homeland Security Checklist