Tips for Your Student’s Academic Success

Parents and families can be a great influence in promoting good study habits and academic choices.  As a parent/family member, you know your student’s strengths and limitations, and are in the best position to encourage and support their positive behaviors. 

Always go to class. 

A missed class might include a quiz, assignment, important notes, etc.  Missing class may also mean missing participation points. 

Use a planner/calendar.

The University bookstore sells a variety of planners as do several retail outlets in the Mankato area.  If nothing else, students can print out a calendar using one of dozens of on-line offerings.

Visit professor office hours. 

Encourage your student in utilize office hours to introduce themselves to new or unfamiliar professors, ask clarifying questions or receive help with anything misunderstood in class.

Seek advising regularly.

Students should seek regular advising to ensure they are on the right track towards a timely graduation. Building a rapport with professors/instructors can be invaluable. Each student is assigned an academic advisor. An email is sent to the students University Email account providing contact information for their advisor. A student can also find the name of their advisor by logging into E-Services or MavConnect.

Treat school like a full-time job. 

Suggest that your student make the full investment in their education.  Challenge them on issues related to the number of hours they spend working or socializing.  Suggest they become active in the campus community by joining a student organization, intramural team, or other campus activity.

Seek academic assistance early.

As parents, knowing the support services offered to students is essential.  Encourage your student to utilize those services early rather than when the issue becomes overwhelming.

Support is key.

Offer praise and positive reinforcement regularly.  Ask your student what they think about what they learned, and not just what they learned.  This engages you in their studies.