Six Keys for Online Teaching Success

Laptop next to a notebook and person's hand

Here are six key areas to think about when teaching online. Note that all tools listed in this section are available to faculty, staff, and students.

The following resources are useful guides to supplement the recommendations below:


Communication is always key, and it's essential to keep in touch and interact with students, no matter where you are. While email is always an option, we offer additional tools that help you keep communication manageable, quick, and personable.

Learn About D2L Brightspace


Consider teaching your online course through Content in D2L Brightspace. The Content tool in D2L Brightspace makes it easy to organize your course materials, activities, and assessments in one place:

Learn about MediaSpace


You can still quiz students, hold in-depth discussions, and collect essays and papers in D2L Brightspace.

Online Meetings

Hold virtual office hours, advising appointments, and your scheduled synchronous online class meetings with our university online meeting tool, Zoom.

Learn about Zoom


Give students a sense of your presence in the online classroom and offer students video as an alternative to traditional assignments such as in class presentations.

Universal Design for Learning

We recommend you consider applying the Universal Design for Learning model to your online course design and delivery. This assures that all students have equitable experiences in your classes. This brief video from the Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST) explains these principles.