Galactic Bingo
Galactic Bingo is the most popular event during Welcome Week.
GALACTIC BINGO: Saturday, Aug. 24
Myers Field House, 8:00 and 10:00 p.m. Session
The biggest annual event during Welcome Week is Galactic Bingo as new and returning students participate to win thousands of dollars in amazing prizes, it's arguable the largest bingo game in Minnesota!
Two sessions! Attend Based on your Res Hall
A $500 grand prize presented by *Affinity Plus Federal Credit Union (*Affinity Plus members receive a second sheet of bingo cards for each game). Free food, awesome DJ, blacklight party, and play BINGO with your friends. Free pizza and beverages to everyone who attends. Presented by the Student Events Team and Fraternity & Sorority Life.
8:00 P.M. SESSION:
RESIDENT HALLS : McElroy and Preska
OFF-CAMPUS: Reserve your ticket at Available for online reservation at 10 a m. day of event.
10:00 P.M. SESSION:
RESIDENCE HALLS: Crawford, Julia Sears, Stadium Heights
OFF-CAMPUS: Reserve your ticket at Available for online reservation at 10 a m. day of event.