New Student Rally

Always adding spirit to every home football game, the Maverick Machine will rouse the energy among new Mavericks at the New Student Rally '24 in Bresnan Arena

NEW STUDENT RALLY: Friday, Aug. 23
11:00 a.m., Bresnan Arena in the Taylor Center
Below is the link to the live broadcast of the New Student Rally.

The official kick-off to your life as a Minnesota State Mankato student, the New Student Rally on Friday, Aug. 23, features a high-energy performance by the Maverick Machine marching band as you are welcomed to campus by the University President, student leaders and more.

Passing through The Arch is a rite of passage marking your arrival as a Maverick.


Following the rally, another University tradition is passing through the Alumni Arch.

Look across the University skyline to find the iconic Bell Tower. Next to the Bell Tower, you'll find the Alumni Arch. A landmark remnant preserved from the University's original lower campus location.*

As a rite of passage, new students pass through The Arch as the symbolic threshold to the University. The custom marks one's forever place in the Maverick family.

When students graduate from Minnesota State Mankato, they are encouraged to pass through The Arch again as they step into their careers with big ideas and real-world thinking. 

Be sure to take a selfie of the event and post to your social media with the #mavfam hashtag to share the moment with others. 

*BIT OF TRIVIA: The University dates back to 1868. For nearly a century the campus was located at the bottom of the Warren Street hill. To accommodate the growing campus, the school moved its location to the top of the hill. Among some of the early buildings remaining campus are Armstrong Hall, the Memorial Library and the Centennial Student Union.