City and Local Affairs Committee

Student Government City and local Affairs Coordinator

Alex Wood

Student Government Legislative Affairs Coordinator

Vacant - Students United Legislative Affairs Specialist


Convened at the call of the Student Government City and Local Affairs Coordinator.


Appointed From Student Government


  • Vacant - Student United Legislative Affairs Specialist
    Appointment Pending by the student government president
  • Alex Wood - Student Government City and Local Affairs Coordinator
    AppointED by the Student Government President 1/11/23
  • Vacant - Legislative Affairs Committee Chair
    Appointment Pending by the Student Government President
  • Vacant
    Appointment Pending by the Student Government President
  • Vacant
    Appointment Pending by the Student Government President
  • Vacant
    Appointment Pending by the Student Government President
  • Vacant
    Appointment Pending by the Student Government President
  • Vacant
    Appointment Pending by the Student Government President
  • Vacant
    Appointment Pending by the Student Government President
  • Vacant
    Appointment Pending by the Student Government President

From Other Constituencies

  • None



According to the Bylaws - Article IV, Section 6

As Amended 4/26/2017

A Legislative Affairs Committee shall be responsible for monitoring legislation at the state and federal levels. Other duties of the committee shall include, but not be limited to, organizing lobby days at the capitols, and organizing letter writing campaigns.

The voting membership of the Legislative Affairs Committee shall consist of the Student United Legislative Specialist Article V, Section 6 of these Bylaws, and others as appointed by the Student Government President and confirmed by the Senate. The Student Government Legislative Affairs Coordinator, if not the same person as the Students United Legislative Affairs Specialist, shall serve as an ex-officio, non-voting member.

The Chair of the Legislative Affairs Committee or an appropriate designee will report as scheduled by the Speaker, to the Senate on committee actions and provide the Speaker with any meeting minutes.

According to the Bylaws - Article V, Section 6

Legislative Affairs Specialist

A Students United Legislative Affairs Specialist shall be appointed by the Student Government President.

The Students United Legislative Affairs Specialist may be the same person as the student government Legislative Affairs Coordinator or someone else.


The Student United Legislative Affairs Specialist will be expected to:

  1. Serve on the Student Government Legislative Affairs Committee.
  2. Coordinate Lobby Core efforts with other Students United Campus Legislative Affairs Specialists.
  3. Attend regular Students United Campus Committee meetings.
  4. Attend Students United Legislative Affairs functions and meetings.
  5. Attend Cabinet meetings to inform Student Government leadership of state-wide and federal issues regarding legislative affairs.
  6. Perform all tasks delegated by the President, Students United Presidential Board of Directors and the Students United executive staff.