Engineering Learning Community

The Engineering Learning Communities are perfect for those who want an introduction to engineering fields offered at Minnesota State University, Mankato. You will have the opportunity to interact with faculty from the different engineering programs. You will be provided with organized study groups, but also an opportunity to interact with others who are studying the same subjects and are learning to develop critical, creative, and analytical thinking skills – all things which are helpful to the study of engineering. While learning how to work collaboratively with peers, you will gain appreciation for and confirm your interest in engineering through site visits and projects.

Fall Semester Courses

(Enrollment in all learning community sections of courses is required unless college credit is already earned for the course, or an academic advisor recommends changes):

  • CHEM 191: Chemistry Applications
  • MATH 112: College Algebra OR
    MATH 115: Pre-Calculus OR
    MATH 121:
  • CIVE 101: Introduction to Civil Engineering OR
    EE 105: Introduction to Electrical & Computer Engineering & Technology OR
    ME 101: Introduction to Engineering - Mechanical (must be eligible to take Math 115 or higher for this course)

SPRING Semester Courses

(Enrollment in all learning community sections of courses is required unless college credit is already earned for the course, or an academic advisor recommends changes):

  • MATH--Next course in sequence if required
  • ENG 271W: Technical Communication (tentative)
  • CIVE 201: Introduction to Problem Solving and CIVE Design AND
    CIVE 145: CAD for Civil Engineering OR
    ME 103: Computer Graphics Communication AND
    ME 201:
    Introduction to Problem Solving and ME Design OR
    EE 106: Fundamental Digital Systems Design for Electrical & Computer Engineers

Where you'll live

We encourage you to live on campus with others in your Learning Community because that's where much of your networking takes place, but it is not required.

You can choose to live:

  • In designated Learning Community housing
    • Renovated double rooms located in Crawford A, B, D, McElroy E, F, H or Preska I Halls.  Renovated rooms have in-room air-conditioning and share a community bathroom with the floor.
    • You can choose to have another Learning Community student assigned as your roommate, or you may choose your own.
  • Other on-campus housing
    • It will be your responsibility to choose a housing location after the time-slot provided to you by Residential Life.
  • Off-campus


Meet the Faculty

Dr. Jinyuan Zhai


Learning Community Coordinator


Meet the Engineering Learning Community Coordinator.