The Centennial Student Union is the students’ House of Serendipity offering pleasant surprises that INVITE, INVOLVE and INSPIRE.
"I like to call the Union the House of Serendipity. You go for one think and you get more than you bargained for. It's inescapable. It gets into your head and into your heart, and you're never quite the same again. The right Union will change you." - the late C. Shaw Smith, Association of College Unions International
A new promotional video for the Centennial Student Union features a diverse group of students sharing the services, sights and sounds of the students’ House of Serendipity. Created for the CSU by staff and students with the IT Solutions Video & Digital Team, the 4:45-minute video features 23 different student hosts moving through key areas of the CSU.
10:00 AM - Morning Workshop Opens Day's Events
Mavs in Action Meeting: Scholarship Finder Workshop
04:00 PM - CSU Wambdi Wapaha Lounge
Taylor Swift DJ Night (Public 18+)
07:00 PM - CSUBallroom
06:00 AM - KMSU Radio (89.7fm/91.3fm/kmsu.org or via the KMSU app)
Student Leadership Retreat Camp Omega February 7 - 9.
01:00 PM - Camp Omega: Meet at Student Activities for check in on February 7
Tuesdays @ 4 Membership Meeting - Spring 2025
04:00 PM - CSU 245
Tuesdays @ 4 Membership Meeting - Spring 2025
04:00 PM - CSU 245
Valentines Day Film Party - When Harry Met Sally
08:00 PM - Hearth Lounge
Mavs in Action: Old Main Village Nursing Home Visit
04:00 PM - Meet at CSU Wambdi Wapaha Lounge for check in!
07:00 PM - CSU Ostrander or https://minnstate.zoom.us/j/99741087473
06:00 AM - KMSU Radio (89.7fm/91.3fm/kmsu.org or via the KMSU app)
Tuesdays @ 4 Membership Meeting - Spring 2025
04:00 PM - CSU 245
Mavs in Action Meeting: Book Drive Box Prep
04:00 PM - CSU Wambdi Wapaha Lounge
Feb. 20: Minnesota State Mankato to Host Q & A Visit with Actor Leslie David Baker from 'The Office'
08:00 PM - Centennial Student Union Ballroom
A Night with Leslie David Baker: Stanley from the Office
08:00 PM - CSU Ballroom
07:00 PM - CSU Ballroom
Tuesdays @ 4 Membership Meeting - Spring 2025
04:00 PM - CSU 245
Mavs in Action Meeting: Laundry Pods Portioning
04:00 PM - CSU Wambdi Wapaha Lounge
Mavs in Action: National Reading Month Book Drive
12:00 AM - Meet on CSU Mav Ave for check in
Tuesdays @ 4 Membership Meeting - Spring 2025
04:00 PM - CSU 245
CSU Administration
220 Centennial Student Union
Mankato, MN 56001
The Who, What and Why Behind the Centennial Student Union
The Centennial Student Union Staff.
Where in the CSU is it?
Big game room in the CSU.
The Centennial Student Union Technology
Students, faculty, and staff can log into Mav Central using their StarID to access University-approved branded templates.
Your weekly events calendar.
An acronym for Boasting Exceptional Student Talent, the CSU BEST Board honors eight students each semester for their campus or CSU student staff leadership.
What's happening in the CSU?
Offices and Services in the CSU
News and views about Minnesota State Mankato
View the campus map showing indoor walkways at Minnesota State Mankato.
Minnesota State University, Mankato recognizes the challenges that college students face every day. This website includes resources that you may find helpful to navigating life.