Commendation, Suggestion, or Complaint Form

University Security is committed to providing quality and professional service to the campus community. Your constructive comments about our service(s) or interaction(s), positive or negative, will help us improve and better serve our campus.

When completing this form:

  • Provide as much information as possible.
  • Indicate if you do or do not want to be contacted bySecurity Administration.
  • Please understand that if you wish to remain anonymous, our ability to fully investigate the complaint may be limited.
  • A paper copy of this form can be picked up from our office window in Wiecking Center 222 during regular business hours. Or you can download/print a PDF version.
Type of Feedback

Reported By

Please understand that if you wish to remain anonymous, our ability to fully investigate the complaint may be limited. If you do wish to remain anonymous, please type the word “anonymous” in the Name fields.

Reported By

Please understand that if you wish to remain anonymous, our ability to fully investigate the complaint may be limited. If you do wish to remain anonymous, please type the word “anonymous” in the Name fields.

Witness Information

If available, please provide contact information (name, address and/or phone number) for any witnesses.

Witness Information

If available, please provide contact information (name, address and/or phone number) for any witnesses.



Would you like to be contacted by Security Administration?