S2E10: Entering the Cybersecurity Field with Dr. Michael Hart (Season Finale)

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Dr. Michael Hart, Assistant Professor of Computer Information Science at Minnesota State University, Mankato, gives his best advice on cybersecurity careers! Nathan sits down with Dr. Hart to chat about the job market, skills needed for the field, recommended coursework, degrees, and certifications, and a plethora of other resources to get started. Plan your path to landing your dream cybersecurity career!

This episode concludes with news stories including a data breach at electronics company Panasonic and a cyberattack on Ohio-based DNA Diagnostics Center.

News Sources:

Story 1:

Seals, Tara. "Panasonic's Data Breach Leaves Open Questions." Threatpost, 30 November 2021, https://threatpost.com/panasonic-data-breach-questions/176660/

Story 2:

Toulas, Bill. "DNA Testing Firm Discloses Data Breach Affecting 2.1 Million People." Bleeping Computer, 30 November 2021, https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/dna-testing-firm-discloses-data-breach-affecting-21-million-people/