S2E8: What is Cryptocurrency?

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Find out what crypto coins really are, some interesting examples, and how they're used. From Bitcoin to Dogecoin, Nathan and Ham walk you through this intriguing world with basic facts and personal anecdotes. Plus, find out top risks you should watch out for, including scams, cryptojacking, and mining.

This episode concludes with news from expert Mercy, including a TikTok scam targeting influencers, an update on the Robinhood data breach, and hundreds of WordPress sites hacked for a cryptocurrency ransom.

News Sources:

Story 1:
Montalbano, Elizabeth. "Phishing Scam Aims to Hijack TikTok 'Influencer' Accounts." Threatpost, 17 November 2021, https://threatpost.com/phishing-scam-tiktok-influencer/176391/

Story 2:
Abrams, Lawrence. "7 Million Robinhood User Email Addresses for Sale on Hacker Forum." Bleeping Computer, 15 November 2021, https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/7-million-robinhood-user-email-addresses-for-sale-on-hacker-forum/

Story 3:
Toulas, Bill. "WordPress Sites Are Being Hacked in Fake Ransomware Attacks." Bleeping Computer, 16 November 2021, https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/wordpress-sites-are-being-hacked-in-fake-ransomware-attacks/